Recent Purchases
1x Member - FREE!
1x Member - FREE!
1x Member - FREE!
1x Member - FREE!
- Ability to set 10 homes (/sethome [name]) - Usage: /home [name]
- Ability to read & write in #⛏live-chat channel in our Discord.
- Access to ext (extinguish yourself from fires)
- Ability to use the following commands:
- /nick - Change your nickname + Colored + HEX (Legendary Exclusive)
- /crawl
- /lay
- /feed
- /anvil
- /echest
- /grindstone
- /stonecutter
- /disposal
- /ext
- Faster cooldown in chat
- Gain 10000 Claimblocks
- Ability to set 8 homes (/sethome [name]) - Usage: /home [name]
- Ability to read & write #⛏live-chat channel in our Discord.
- Ability to use the following commands:
- /nick - Change your nickname + Colored + Format
- /crawl
- /lay
- Colored messages
- Colored Signs
- Gain 9600 Claimblocks
- Ability to set 6 homes (/sethome [name]) - Usage: /home [name]
- Ability to read #⛏live-chat channel in our Discord.
- Ability to use the following commands:
- /nick - Change your nickname + Colored
- /crawl
- /lay
- Colored messages
- Gain 6400 Claimblocks
- Ability to set 4 homes (/sethome [name]) - Usage: /home [name]
- Ability to read #⛏live-chat channel in our Discord.
- Ability to use the following commands:
- /nick - Change your nickname
- /crawl
- Gain 3200 Claimblocks
- Ability to set 2 homes (/sethome [name])
- Ability to read #⛏live-chat channel in our Discord.
- Access to Kits : (Member)
- Gain 100 Claimblocks